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The IIB.ICDD framework provides functions to open, create, validate, edit, export containers defined by ISO 21597-1:2020. In ISO 21597-1, a specification is given for a generic container format that stores documents using various formats and structures, along with a means of linking otherwise disconnected data within those documents (including individual parts). These documents can have any syntax and semantics. The container format includes a header file and optional link files that define relationships by including references to the documents, or to elements within them. The header file uniquely identifies the container and its contractual or collaborative intention. This information is defined using the RDF, RDFS and OWL semantic web standards.


Philipp Hagedorn
Research Assistant, Chair of Computing in Engineering, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
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Namespace Description
IIB.ICDD The root namespace contains reader, builder and writer methods for ICDD containers
IIB.ICDD.Handling Contains helper classes and helper methods
IIB.ICDD.Logging Contains classes and methods for logging exceptions end errors
IIB.ICDD.Model Contains all models to represent an ICDD container according to ISO 21597
IIB.ICDD.Parsing Contains classes and methods for reading and writing from RDF graphs
IIB.ICDD.Querying Contains classes and methods for querying containers with SPARQL
IIB.ICDD.Validation Contains classes and methods for validating ICDD according conformance with the standard and using SHACL